How Gross Pollutant Trap is Effective in Treating Stormwater?

Water is a resource that is crucial for survival and human existence but many take it for granted. Gross pollutant trap is the best and most effective solution for removing the particulate matter from stormwater collected. The system can work with particles having a size of more than 1mm. The water hence is cleared of sediments and even hydrocarbons. Systems from leading brands do not reduce their performance of particle removal even when the load is quite high.

Commercial establishments use a lot of water and if treated can save a huge amount of water by just recycling wastewater. Aerated treatment plants are the best way to treatment of wastewater since it offers many of the processes for treating the water in one tank. The technology performs the water treatment using activated sludge. The system can reduce pathogens using UV technology while correcting the pH value of water.

What are Other Water Treatment Products for Sustainable Future?

  • Pump Stations: - Commercial and industrial establishments require huge storage options that can safely store water for various uses. Leading brands offer stations that can store more than 30000 litres in horizontal layout. These systems come with alarms and can be controlled by a pressure transducer.

  • Rainwater Tanks: - Both domestic and commercial water needs like toilets, washbasins, and other washing needs can be fulfilled with rainwater. The runoff water from the roof and other hard areas can be stored in specially designed tanks.

  • Oil Water Separators: - Some industries have situations where water and various oils get mixed. These systems work perfectly in all such situations and also for various domestic applications.

Water Conservation is the Way for Sustainable Development

The groundwater level is constantly decreasing and hence all must endeavour to recycle as much water as possible. Get in touch with leading brands for consultation or get a quote for meeting your water sensitive design set for the establishment.


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