Use Halgan Grease Traps, the Ideal Option for Intercepting Greases and Solids

Halgan grease traps, grease extractors, pump stations, pre-treatment devices, rainfall management systems, and storm water treatment systems are just a few of the goods that top environmental treatment solution providers offer at competitive costs. Manufacturer guarantees that these traps are outstanding in quality, dependability, and durability. For every business, Halgan custom grease traps are the ideal option. They offer a range of sizes for these grease traps in the market and these grease traps satisfy the necessary certification standards.

These oil water separator manufacturers offer a selection of full retention oil water separators that may collect suspended solids, silt, and a variety of oils, fuels, and light liquids from a variety of applications. Depending on the requirements of the particular project, these devices can be used to treat stormwater runoff from commercial and industrial applications.

There are single- and dual-chamber variants of these separators available. These companies’ separators OWHS/OWHR are designed as per European Standard BS EN 858.1. 2002, to achieve water discharge quality of less than 5mg/L of total petroleum hydrocarbons. Treatable flow rates range up to 100 litres per second. Pipe sizes range from 100mm to 450mm.

Using Halgan Grease Traps Has Benefits:

Reliable studies demonstrate that compact Halgan grease traps may be placed easily and affordably for you because no specialised lifting equipment is needed. As an alternative, there are giant grease traps that are ideal for butchers or restaurants with large outputs of grease and oil. Halgan grease traps are a more compact option than grease interceptors, making them ideal for dishwashers, sinks, and hand basins. Nevertheless, because they are modular grease traps, they may be upgraded and can accommodate additional modules and extensions.

Finally, organisations that provide environmental treatment services provide a range of water treatment options for the treatment of stormwater, rainwater harvesting, commercial waste water treatment, and more. Anyone shopping for these products can get a quote from a nearby company.


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